Plastic Molding in China

About Us

China Synergy has been helping western companies to manufacture in China since year 2003. The company focuses on custom manufacturing of plastic and metal products and has an annual sale of over 20 million US dollars. Plastic molding is major branch of our business and we own several factories in the Shanghai and Ningbo area.


Our Leadership Team:

Edward Fan, CEO:
He has grown the company from a startup into a multimillion-dollar, manufacturing power house. Previously, he was with Nortel Networks(Asia) in charge of low-cost sourcing. Before that, he worked at Hewlett-Packard and Exxon. He received Master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Supply Chain Management and Bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in Chemical Engineering. Edward is currently studying for EMBA at China Europe International Business School(CEIBS)
Jiang Wen Long, Vice President of Manufacturing:
Prior to joining the company in 2006, Mr. Jiang was senior director of a multi-million dollars sourcing company in charge of purchasing and factory selection. With 10 years of experiences in exporting machinery and automotive parts from China to USA, he knows the best practices in low cost sourcing. Prior to that, he worked as design engineer for printing machineries for over 10 years.
Jerry Long, Vice President of Sales: 
Jerry manages the sales department in the company. He received Bachelor's degree in Material Science and an MBA both from Tianjn University in China. 


Our Customers:

Most of our customers are small company or even startups. And we are also long term supplier to major companies such as General Electric, Electrolux and Lincoln Electric (reference available upon request)